Friday, February 1, 2019

April 12, 2018

April Showers

We have seen plenty of early spring rain here—it’s seemed sometimes like Winter and I are arguing, and Winter slams out the door in a huff, only to barge back in and say, “And another thing….” and let go with another barrage. Just yesterday, after a couple of pretty nice days, a mid-afternoon gust came back through to soak things down again.Today it’s back to sunshine and I’m happy to see all the plantings that were done after my birthday in October are really starting to take off.

I think these plants will be hardier for having had time to root pretty well before going through the cold months, and now things are really taking off. All the herbs and healing plants are doubling in size. The only casualties were some hyacinths that I’d hope to train up along the “orchard” side of the yard, but I’ll replace them with smaller plants that are warm-shade thrivers.

New Shoots

Speaking of adaptability and growth—did you know that people who were born after the mid-70s have never experienced what for centuries has been considered normal weather? Maybe that’s part of why we are seeing such a shift in attitudes and relationships being driven by younger generations than mine (Boomers.) It seems acceptance of differences, respect for other views, and awareness of connectedness are spreading across populations and downward through the generations, which I personally think is a really wonderful growth spurt on the part of humankind.

Shaping New Growth

On a personal growth level, earlier this week I spent two days in a class on Structural Integration as an assessment tool. This has opened up a new avenue for me to guide clients’ integration of the structural changes bodywork can initiate, and a framework for going back to find root causes of restrictions we're holding.

It was challenging work, since SI is a method that developed from Ida Rolf’s work in the 60s, so the approach is diametrically opposed to my Ortho-Bionomy® training. One moves tissue in the direction of resistance, and one in the direction of comfort.

 I am practicing working from the assessment aspect of SI to use the philosophy and principles of O-B in session, and my first “guinea pig” yesterday had a great session that opened up awareness of a long-standing pattern that was ready to release. It’s such a joy to see the lightness that these releases give to a client!

The First Flowers

Coming soon—May is Posture Awareness month. During my regular Tuesday-Thursday office hours, I’ll be offering free posture assessments to show you where you are out of alignment, complete with photos, analysis, and resources for self-care.

Contact me for a 10-minute slot to take advantage of this offer. Please wear clothing that shows your shape (a fitted shirt and yoga pants of differing colors) for the clearest pictures. I’ll show you a preliminary analysis right away, and will prepare a fuller report to email to you within 24 hours.
These posture assessments are now part of my intake procedure for new clients, as well as a functional assessment of how your movements support—or don’t support—your overall wellness. I'm hoping for a beautiful variegated bouquet of happy clients as my work becomes more and more holistic!

Hoping to see you soon—expect to see more on posture coming next month!
In love and light,

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